Elaine (Lili) Lipp
Specializes in Shakespeare and classic British literature, a community theatre director, and a Director/Trainer for Business Network International (BNI).
She was born and raised on the island of Malta, lived for atime in Ireland, and currently resides in Connecticut, USA with her German husband, Dr. Ludwig Lipp, and their two teenage children, Raphael (17) and Beatrice (14). She speaks
multiple languages, loves to travel, and considers herself a lifelong learner.
Mrs. Lipp has twenty-six years’ experience in European and American classrooms, including several years of teaching English to speakers of other languages. These years have taught her that what drives authentic learning is the joy of
shared discovery; that a class is most rewarding when everyone (including the teacher) is getting something out of it.
Her teaching philosophy is built around the belief that when there is a driving question for students to embrace, they become participants in class and not simply spectators. She has had great success with the interdisciplinary approach, which she feels gives students a better understanding of the subject matter. She is always looking for ways to give her
students opportunities to reflect upon the class material, and share their reaction to it with her and with their peers.