This Week –
- GTL will be welcoming three NEW LINKERS this week!!
- Linker Maya will host a New Linker Orientation with the help of our team of current Linkers.
- Linker Annie is working with Linker Zhengyang on recording audio for our new GTL Website homepage info video.
- Linkers Nhi and Zhengyang are rehauling some of GTL’s graphics!
- Linker Annie will resume a Learner Marathon with one of our Learners.
- Mental Health Awareness – a new GTL initiative. Linkers Annie and Rebecca are passionate about mental health and are in the beginning stages of creating a space and dialogue for all things relating to mental health.
- The GTL Newsletter is looking for submissions!!
- Send in blog posts, activities you’re involved in, poetry, art, interesting articles, cool opportunities; etc. Reply to this email with your ideas.
- LEARNERS—We’d love to hear from you about your experience with any GTL services you’ve been a part of! Respond to this email with anything you’d like to share ?
- Monthly GTL Community Events — keep a lookout for monthly programming and events for Learners, Linkers, and the greater GTL community!! HALLOWEEN PARTY COMING SOON~
- Have suggestions or ideas about events you’d like to see? Let us know by responding to this email.
Last Week –
- BOOK CLUB!! Linker Maya did a fantastic job hosting another great book club session. We discussed and reflected on Trevor Noah’s memoir, Born a Crime. If you missed it, don’t worry! We have the recording down below, check it out.
- A group of our Linkers had a follow-up interview with a potential new Linker.
- Multiple Linkers were hard at work creating curricula for their Learners!
Learning Companion — Learner Sprint
Achieve your personal and academic goals through GTL’s Learner Sprint Program! Remote and affordable, the Learner Sprint program is designed to foster long-lasting results in a condensed time frame by narrowing down your areas of improvement.
With your learning companion, you will be another step closer to success!
Click on the picture or the hyperlink for more information!
Guanxi (关系) and the Importance of Relationship Building during Covid-19
by Ian Soder

Humans are inherently relationship-building, social creatures. We are built this way.
Other animals are too, but given the profound capacities of our brains, and our distinct languages, speech patterns, and mannerisms, we have the ability to ask why, pursue advancement, solve world problems, and constantly be innovative. We also rely on each other greatly, no matter if it is family or friends; husband or wife; brother or sister; boss or coworker, coach or player; professor or student.
GTL’s Mental Health Initiative Presents:

Coming soon this October ~
September has gone by fast! For a lot of us, we’ve also been back at school with hanging our friends, doing extracurricular activities, playing sports, and going to classes.
This time of transition is a great way of checking in as a GTL Community and reflecting on how the semester is going academically, socially, and overall on our own personal and individual levels. That’s why this October, GTL will be hosting a Back-to-School Event!
In order to get to know you all even better, and especially in terms of your unique mental health needs, we would love to hear your voices in a short, anonymous survey.
GTL In Case You Missed It!
Hispanic Heritage Month
In honor of this month, we wanted to highlight historical figures of Hispanic descent as well as key historical events to honor the rich cultures and diverse communities of Hispanic peoples.
5 Latino-Led Labor Strikes That Championed Rights for American Workers
by Lakshmi Gandhi
They had a profound effect on the massive world of American food production.
When it comes to the fight for workers’ rights in the United States, Latino Americans have been critical players since the early 1900s. Their organizing and agitating have led to improved working conditions and wages in industries across the U.S.
“Latinos have been part of the long history of the construction of this country and this labor force,” especially in the American West, says Gaspar Rivera-Salgado, project director at UCLA’s Center for Labor Research and Education. “They were part of the completion of the transcontinental railroad. They were part of the early Los Angeles building boom.” And of course, they have had a profound impact on the massive world of American food production, where they have been heavily represented both in the fields and in processing plants.
Latino workers’ fight for protection and living wages has been an uphill one, weighted with layers of discrimination. “The great expansion of labor rights in the 1930s during the [Franklin D. Roosevelt] administration, which led to the creation of the National Labor Board, specifically excluded farmworkers and domestic workers from the right to create unions,” says Rivera-Salgado. It’s an outcome he attributes to a legacy of racial subjugation against African Americans who had long labored in America’s fields.
To continue reading the full article, click here >>>