GTL Newsletter #33

by | Newsletters


“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” – Hal Borland 





GTL General Updates




This Week –
  • Add our new GTL Discord account — GlobalTalentLink#2183 
  • Get ready to meet a new Linker next week!
  • GTL’s Winter Season Learner Sprint Intensive Program is coming this January!! Learn more down below.  
  • Linker Yukta is spearheading a new outreach initiative with the help of many of our Linkers. Great job!
  • The team is continuing to work on our homepage intro video, it’s looking good so far.
  • Linker Maya is leading a customer FAQ session for Linkers to collectively discuss GTL’s services and appeal.
  • Mental Health Awareness! Linkers Annie and Rebecca are passionate about mental health and have created a mental health-related newsletter! 
  • The GTL Newsletter is looking for submissions!!
    • Send in blog posts, activities you’re involved in, poetry, art, interesting articles, cool opportunities; etc. Reply to this email with your ideas.  
  • LEARNERS—We’d love to hear from you about your experience with any GTL services you’ve been a part of! Respond to this email with anything you’d like to share ?
  • Monthly GTL Community Events — keep a lookout for monthly programming and events for Learners, Linkers, and the greater GTL community!!
    • Have suggestions or ideas about events you’d like to see? Let us know by responding to this email. 

Last Week – 

  • We welcomed a new Linker Jerson last week!
  • Congrats again to Linkers Steven and Yukta for a successful first-ever GTL Invest Club event!




GTL Service Highlight





Learning Companion – Learner Report

Want to learn more about yourself?Guided by our iABC of international Perspectives, Ability, Benevolence, and Courage, the Learner Report provides an in-depth look at a Learner’s whole self and offers the next step in a Learner’s journey!

Click on the picture or the hyperlink for more information! 









GTL’s Winter Season
Learner Sprint Intensive Program






GTL Blog Spotlight




The Benefits of Bilingual Brains
by Hunton Warren

There are many benefits to speaking more than one language.

Speaking a second language can help with your problem-solving skills. In fact, people who learn a second language in adulthood actually exhibit less emotional bias and a more rational approach when confronting problems in their second language than their native one.
Click here to read the full article >>>





Universal Human Rights Month

December is Universal Human Rights Month! To uplift this mission, GTL will highlight historical events and persons related to the proliferation of universal human rights. 




South African Human Rights Leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu Remembered  

South African human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu died Sunday. He was 90 years old.Tutu’s legacy of activism for equality continues to influence young South Africans, many of whom were not born when the clergyman battled apartheid. Apartheid was a governing system that kept whites and blacks separate and guaranteed controlling power for the white minority in South Africa.

Tutu received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his efforts to gain full rights for South Africa’s Black majority. South Africa is holding a week of mourning for the retired leader of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa.

Following the end of apartheid in 1994, Tutu chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It documented the bad treatment Black people experienced during apartheid. It also sought to support national reconciliation. Tutu also became one of the world’s most well-known religious leaders to champion LGBTQ rights.

To continue reading, click here >>>




Any comments, questions, or concerns?
Want to share your own blog or announce something to the GTL Community? 

Please let us know by responding to this email!